Hristo Koshutanski


Research Activities

  • 7 years of experience in cyber security innovation, solution design and application in various topics, such as IoT security (CROSSCON, SerIoT projects), honeypot-based sandbox malware analysis (YAKSHA), cyber range architecture and integration for cyber security training (Threat-Arrest), anomaly and intrusion detection in ICS/SCADA protocols (ELECTRON, SDN-microSENSE projects), anomaly and intrusion detection in Kubernetes computing clusters (6G-DAWN project).
  • Lead the design and development of a key asset in our unit: LADS.
  • 10 years of experience in information system security in solution definition, specification, and design. Since my doctorate dissertation, I participated in several EU co-funded R&D projects in the context of authorization, access control and policy specification (RBAC, ABAC/ XACML), authentication and federated identity management (digital certificates X.509v3, PKI/PMI, SSO (SAML)), and security assurance through security service certificates. Related projects OKKAM, ConTur, CUMULUS, ASSERT4SOA, ONE, Marie Curie Fellowship (iAccess).

Involved in different levels of activities:

  • Management of research and innovation activities in several EU co-funded projects under Horizon 2020, FP7, and FP6;
  • Expert evaluator for the EC under Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020 of the EU in the areas of Digital Security, Future and Emerging Technologies, and Ethics;
  • Innovation activities with reference to evaluation of technological solutions for international conferences and journals in the field.

Over the years, I have learned to deliver results under strict deadlines and strong inter-dependencies to other activities, and to adapt and meet professional standards even under changing conditions and priorities.

Please refer to section Projects for a summary of my activities and results per project (chronologically ordered) with references to publications co-authored.

Experience and Skills

  • Anomaly and intrusion detection in Electric Power and Energy System (EPES) for SCADA protocols Modbus, IEC 60870-5-104 (IEC-104), DNP3, IEC 61850 using ML/deep learning-based models. We achieved an innovation on efficient detection of several attacks, such as false data injection, man in the middle, packet replay/drop, ARP poisoning, and DoS, not only on TCP/IP based Modbus, IEC104 and DNP3 protocols but also on lower layer 2 (of OSI) based protocols such as IEC68150 (GOOSE/SV), Precision Time Protocol, etc. (ref. SDN-microSENSE, ELECTRON).
  • Knowledge of communication and network protocols, acquired from the analysis and definition of traffic flow telemetry on different OSI layers protocols for the needs of anomaly detection.
  • Multi-layer security architecture specification from network-layer security to system and application layer security for a comprehensive end-to-end security solution (refer for instance to SerIoT).
  • Knowledge of IoT device security through low-level mechanisms such as trusted execution environment, root of trust, and isolation (CROSSCON project).
  • Sandbox-based malware behaviour analysis for Linux and Windows platforms using ML and traces of system calls (ref. YAKSHA project).
  • Knowledge of vulnerability identification and management. Supervised the involvement and integration of a vulnerability discovery tool, an OpenVAS tool, in the FINSEC project system, from asset inventory integration to vulnerability discovery and reporting.
  • Models of authorization, access control and trust management (ref. OKKAM, ConTur, MarieCurie iAccess, ONE projects).
  • Identity management and privacy. Federated Identity Management. Single Sign-On (SSO). Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) for federated identity information exchange (ConTur).
  • X.509 certificate standard both identity and attribute certificates for authentication and authorisation. Public-key infrastructure and privilege management infrastructure (PKI/PMI) for user identity and (entity) attribute management in decentralised environments (OKKAM, ConTur, MarieCurie iAccess).

Reviewer Activities

Expert evaluator for the European Commission’s Horizon Europe and H2020 frameworks:

  • Digital Europe Program 2023: evaluation of proposals under work program DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-03 topic Uptake of innovative cybersecurity solutions.
  • Horizon Europe: EIC TRANSITION as Vice Chair Quality Control (2024, 2023);
  • Horizon Europe: EIC PATHFINDER OPEN as Vice Chair Quality Control (2024–2021);
  • Horizon Europe: EIC PATHFINDER CHALLENGES as Vice Chair Quality Control (2022, 2021);
  • Horizon Europe: Ethics screening of proposals under MSCA and Increased cybersecurity (2023-21);
  • Horizon 2020: Digital Security Focus Area, Evaluator of proposals for Work Programme 2016-2017;
  • Horizon 2020: FET-OPEN – Novel Ideas for Radically New Technologies, Evaluator of proposals for Work Programme Year: 2014-2015;
  • Horizon 2020: Ethics screening of project proposals related to Big Data research (2015-2018), High performance computing (2014), and European research infrastructures (2014-2015).

Journal reviewer:

  • Computers & Security, Elsevier (2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2012).
  • ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (2016).
  • Journal of Information Security and Applications, Elsevier (2016).
  • Service Oriented Computing and Applications, Springer (2016, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2008).
  • Security and Communication Networks, John Wiley & Sons (2014, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009).
  • World Wide Web Journal, Springer (2014).
  • African Journal of Business Management, AcademicJournals (2013).
  • Journal of Zhejiang University Science C, Springer (2013).
  • Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Elsevier (2011).
  • Future Internet, MDPI AG (2011).
  • IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (2010).
  • Journal Of Systems and Software, Elsevier (2010).
  • Journal of Internet Services and Applications, Springer (2010).
  • Computer Communications, Elsevier (2008).

Program committee member:

External reviewer:

  • European Symposium on Research in Computer Security: ESORICS 2016ESORICS 2015.
  • International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Research: (ICTRC-2015).
  • 8th International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Security and Trust (FAST-2011).
  • International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems: ESSoS-2010ESSoS-2009.
  • 5th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2010).